Advocacy | Education | Community Organizing
When leadership and positions of power cause and perpetuate harm, we are called to do the next right thing. Discerning what that should be can take time and effort.
There could be a backlash from the powers that be, but a commitment to anti-racism means leaning into the certainty that the call to do justice is greater than the fear of repercussions from those in power.
We invite you to join us in discerning and taking the next step toward doing what is right and just!

Are at the heart of our work for racial justice.
Community and collaboration are key to effectiveness; just because we have solutions doesn’t mean they fit or are correct. Therefore, we will always seek to speak truth to power while following the lead of our ethnic associations.
White Lutherans for Racial Justice engage in advocacy at all levels of the ELCA with this lens. From policy and cultural changes at the national level to helping individuals address racial injustice in their communities, members of our Association use our voices to advocate for racial justice and equity.
Providing educational opportunities and resources for unlearning white supremacy.
Education is vital to move and grow. We are always learning; there will always be something new to understand. By understanding the history of policies and the harm done, we can more effectively identify what racial injustice looks, tastes, and feels like. The other side of the coin involves exploring practical, concrete examples and tools for responding to the injustices we witness.
The Association of White Lutherans for Racial Justice provides educational resources for racial justice teams from congregations and synods.
Our Training and Education team has a breadth and depth of knowledge and experience we would love to bring to your racial justice team or congregation. If you would like to talk to us about coordinating a training session or would like to join our Training and Education team, we would love to hear from you!
We only reach our goals if we work together.
Within the ELCA, there are seven ethnic-specific ministry organizations. In a deep spirit of cultural humility, White Lutherans for Racial Justice work with our siblings in these ministries to achieve our collective goal of equity for all. We also work to connect and support racial justice groups in synods and congregations throughout the ELCA.
We understand that diversity and equity do not occur without intentionality. Because of this, we seek to tap into practical, thoughtful ways to bring this kind of intentionality into the ELCA and its three expressions. We invite you to dedicate your time, heart, and vulnerability toward positive change that will lead to equity for all and racial justice within the ELCA. And, if all goes well, the world one day.
We know it may feel counterintuitive, but still, come. Be brave, open-minded, and vulnerable.
When we talk about transformation, we see it as an invitation to tap into the ability to move from wherever you are toward being an antiracist. Theologically, we are inviting you to have your heart broken open by Christ to move forward on the journey toward antiracism.
If this is you or you’re still discerning, we want to invite you to become a member of the association. Or, as we call it, a partner.
Because this is a journey, and whether you are just beginning or have been on the slow road for a while, we want to be there with you.
Within every movement, there’s a place for many gifts.
People are working on communications, fundraising, organization structure, and more.
We’re always looking for people with the skills for the essential background work that supports our efforts. If you would like to support our work, let us know!